
Registration is an easy 3 - Step Process!

  1. Complete On-line Registration
  2. Make Payment
  3. Use PayPal to pay by credit/bank account (cookie credits accepted) or
  4. Mail a check (cookie credits accepted) to AMT Day Camp, 335 NE Gwen Ct. Hillsboro, OR 97124 (include this form) or
  5. AMT Day Camp may be able to assist those in need. Assistance is dependent on amount of donations and number of campers requesting help. Please email camp directors with specific requests.
  6. Receive Confirmation
  7. You will receive an email notification of your child's registration status by May 15th. We must ensure we have enough volunteers before attendance can be confirmed. (See waitlist information below)
  8. In June, before camp, you will receive a packet of information from AMT Day Camp. It will include your camp welcome letter with more information and your bus assignment and last minute details. Bus Transportation Available $50 charge Beaverton Bus Stop - Beaverton Christian Church 13600 SW Allen Blvd; Hillsboro Bus Stop - Church of Latter Day Saints 2200 NE Jackson School Road. Car pooling is allowed. Remember: You or your pick-up designee must be on our list to pick-up your child.


Open registration dates will be posted shortly. Registration works on a first come first served basis. Completed registration must be received before the camper is placed, including full payment and the annual Girl Scout registration ($35) completed online at   by May 15th, 2025.  If payment is not received within 7 days of the registration, then the registration will be put on hold and subject to future rate increases. If using Cookie Credits you must pay the full registration fee and submit all the cookie credit information to  by June 23rd, 2025. Cookie Credits will be processed at the end of camp and refunds issues in August.


Ability to accept campers depends on availability of volunteers and space at camp. If our number of registrants exceeds our space in camp your child will be placed on a waitlist. You will be notified when your child is placed on or removed from the waitlist.

For registration questions or changes, please    contact us.

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